
Krema – How you create a positive work environment for your team.

As the popular saying goes, the more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things into your life.”

Nothing rings truer in what we strive to achieve at work in the office environment.

The joy and anticipation in going back to work with the opportunity to strategise with colleagues, to exchange ideas and ensconce in robust conversations is an alluring appetiser.

At Krema, our team, albeit is small, is very tight knit and all simply love electric office environment. We thrive in coming together to workshop ideas to amplify what we love doing.  We want to share our love for coffee and create an optimistic environment to support organisations who want to unlock that team confidence.

But how do you keep up with that positive momentum?

Often it is the smallest of acts which generate the greatest of impacts.  Take coffee for instance.  Providing a service which gives staff the opportunity to indulge in the finest of coffees, at no expense to them, has great value.

See it as a simple, yet powerful investment for your staff.  Creating that positive work environment for your team will allow productivity and tenacity to shine with your team members.

While we cannot claim that coffee will drive sales, but one thing we know at Krema, coffee does make people smile and that optimism does shine through staff in the work they do.

Let Krema show you how. Visit